Approved Minutes October 29th, 2022 Board Meeting
Annual Meeting – Lake Lucerne Advancement Association
Meeting Minutes
Saturday October 29, 2022
Present: | President Mark Orlovsky Board members present: Jenny Criel, LexAnn Hitchcock, Jack Kloss, Sally Hickman, Jim Wienser, Joe Heilmann, and
Diane Braunreiter 9 Lake Lucerne Association Members |
Next meeting: | May 20, 2023 – LLAA Clubhouse Following Clean Up Days |
Call to Order
Mark Orlovsky kicked off the meeting at 10:02 am
Introduction of Board and Special Guests
- Approval of the minutes from the September 3, 2022, Board Meeting
- Jim Wienser- motion, LexAnn Hitchcock – second, approved
- All Board members votes
Jenny Criel – Yes
LexAnn Hitchcock – Yes
Jack Kloss – Yes
Sally Hickman – Yes
Jim Wienser – Yes
Joe Heilmann – Yes
Diane Braunreiter – Yes
(for all other items there were approved in these minutes, board approval will assume all voted yes, unless otherwise noted)
- Going forward, minutes will be sent post board meeting and posted to the website. Any adjustments will be made at the next board meeting.
- Officers Report
- President – Mark Orlovsky
- Going forward we are going to follow a more structured board meeting; agenda will be set up for this
- Making a motion outline – to follow process with more structure
- Ensure the Boards focus is spent on our mission statement for the lake
- RV Zoning changes meeting – will be discussing the 2 Zoning discussion/establishing rules, next meeting is November 3, 2022 at 4:30pm. If you have any concerns and cannot attend the meeting, please send Mark Orlovsky your comments and he will bring them
- Boat landing – Dan Peters will no longer be the ongoing contact, Mark Orlovsky working on a letter to send to WI Department to ensure our landing continues to get attention
- Golf Outing Dinner – great event, would like to do it again at the LLAA Clubhouse
- Going forward we are going to follow a more structured board meeting; agenda will be set up for this
- Vice President – LexAnn Hitchcock
- Educational Program – looking for suggestions for an educational program for the Annual Meeting
- Treasurer – Sally Hickman
- Reference to the electronic copy of the insurance for directors and officers – if you want a copy, please ask Sally
- Clean boats clean water – Working on the paperwork to get our clean boats/clean waters grant
- Bank reconciliations – no questions, balance around $60k
- Secretary – Jenny Criel
- Responsibility for secretary to create an updated directory – update will be made to publish a 2023 directory
- Newsletter – send any article to Jenny for consideration for publishing in the newsletter
- Maintaining the Member list
- Lifetime Member Plaque; Jim Wienser motion to add to vote in next meeting, Joe Heilmann All board members approved
- Committee Reports
- Membership – Sally Hickman
- Transition the committee chairmanship from Sally to Jenny; Jenny Criel motion to change, Joe Heilmann seconded, All board members approved
- Social – LexAnn Hitchcock
- Many thanks to those that had a significant contribution on the committee this year; Mary Van Grunsven, Diane Braunreiter, Amy Coughlin, Sarah Austin
- Membership meeting in June – discussion to stop Chicken Dinner; Lexann Hitchcock made motion to only have a continental breakfast at the June meeting, Joe Heilmann seconded, all board members approved
- Format for Fun days – LexAnn has a listing of the comments from last years fun days, reach out to LexAnn if you want to review
- Auction too early; LexAnn Hitchcock made motion to go back to the original format, Joe Heilmann seconded, all board members approved
- Staggering times for pulling out the baskets/board, separate the baskets (different interests’ baskets), next year suggestion for board – Rack for a kayak
- Advertising the date – add it in the Pioneer Express, LexAnn will investigate the cost.
- Kids games – Who will run next year? What is the inventory of prizes left? Will review and come back to the next committee
- Kitchen – can we get a Cisco account? Today we have an account, but it is a cash account. If we transition that to a trade account we could then be invoiced and use tax exempt status; LexAnn Hitchcock made the motion, Jenny Criel seconded, all board members approved
- Raffle tickets – order 800, ran out
- Discussed better tracking of raffle tickets, will be part of Social/finance committee to explore this approach
- Look into selling tickets at Ski Shows
- Clean Boat Clean Waters – Jim Wienser
- Getting the signup and 2023 clean boats clean waters monitoring set up over the winter – Add to the Newsletter
- Open inspection at the opening of fishing season – suggestion will be explored in next committee meeting
- How do we get more volunteering – could we use it as service work for the High School NHS? Require Board Member to work a 4-hour shift
- Fishery/Water Quality/Plant/Algae – Jim Zach
- Recommend making the name change; Jim Wienser made a motion to pass, with the very specific definition of the committee’s mission, Sally Hickman seconded, all board members approved
- Mission of the Ecology Committee –
The Lake Ecology Committee shall represent the LLAA at local, regional, and state WDNR meetings and communicate with WDNR and area Tribal staff relating to Lake Lucerne’s fishery and habitat, fish stocking, aquatic plants, algae, and aquatic invasive species (AIS). Additional responsibilities include lake monitoring, water quality issues, and lake water levels.
- President – Mark Orlovsky
The committee shall offer science-based proposals to the LLAA Board regarding ecological management of fish and wildlife habitat, aquatic plants and algae, AIS, water quality, and shore-land habitat.
The Lake Ecology Committee may also be delegated responsibility to implement such plans.
The Lake Ecology Committee consolidates the Fishery & Water Quality Committee and the Aquatic Plant, Algae, & Water Quality Committee.
- Recommendation doing November Phosphorus testing
- Set a limit to spending, recommendation of $100 for budget
- Testing is up to the committee
- Jim Wienser made motion, LexAnn Hitchcock seconded, all board members approved
- Water level/County Q Culvert – find more information before the committee determines support. Recommendation once we determine if this is impacting the lake – asking the board send a letter, Jim Zach will draft the letter and the board will review and determine there is no political concern with signing it.
- Jim Zach will write an article for the Fall/Winter newsletter to remind individuals to report to the board new invasive species
- Lake Management Plan revision, last done in 2005; Jim Zach made a motion to explore new Lake Management Plan and meet with the Wisconsin lake management leader to then revise the study, Jim Wienser seconded, all board members approved
- Recommend boat landing video surveillance, Jim Zach will explore cost
- For the Newsletter, Summer Newsletter the leaves in lake reminder
- Jim Wienser – recommends we begin with organizing the collection of data over the years, to get a better idea of what we will review and to establish a baseline to build off
- Planning now, grant planning grant is due each September
- Question regarding neighbor with tree that is falling in the lake, recommend them to contact DNR and confirm if this can be incorporated into the Lake Committee’s Fishstick Permit
- Election – Joe Heilmann
- Lifetime membership review – explore if there are any historical record of past lifetime members, should they be able to vote? Board will research the historical by-law records
- Revisiting voting – The election committee is responsible for implementing and executing the procedures for the absentee voting annually.
- Change to the election approach – In the May 2022 meeting the decision was to follow a similar approach to educational boards. Allow for nominees to run for all open board meetings.
- What the election committee did not have process outlined for a tie – this will need to be confirmed; Jenny Criel, motion to review election approach for open board positions, tie votes, and mid-year position replacement Joe Heilmann seconded, all board members approved
- Building and Grounds – Joe Heilmann & Jack Kloss
- Floor – revisiting flooring bids
- Recommendation, go with N.E.W. coatings for $8,600; Jack Kloss motion to contact N.E.W. coatings to make a contract, Joe Heilmann seconds, all board members approved
- Lawn Maintenance
- Tracker serviced in 2021 per former president
- Joe will winterize in November 2022 in prep for winter
- Other Improvements
- Getting a cooler for food/fun days (donated)
- Equipment Maintenance
- Urinal not working as expected
- Jim Wienser requested that we test the water in spring, get a kit from $31.50
- Building Rental – Diane Braunreiter
- Guessing rentals were approximately 8 in 2022
- Need to plan for 2023, if the floor needs to be done
- Apparel – Joe Heilmann
- Inventory and storage
- Joe provided the list of our inventory
- Board members can use that to sell apparel if you receive a request
- Old inventory – donation
- Sales throughout the year
- Larry suggested we add some apparel at Waters Edge with order forms, confirmed Rodger supports this
- Tamarac Outfitters – will continue to sell
- Apparel sales by all board members – update inventory sheet (emailed)
- Making orders for Holidays – redirect members to Joe Heilmann for special order for Christmas
- Will review this in next board meeting if this needs to be a separate committee
- Auction Presales – who should member contact if they are interested in an item prior to the fun day auctions
- Inventory and storage
- Unfinished Business
- Mark Orlovsky will review with the Secretary, Jenny Criel, to confirm items for next meeting
- New Business
- Revisited function of a committee
- Non-Profit Status – as of now we are not seeking grants, but many who would like to donate do not do this b/c we are not a non-profit
- Sally recommends that we get an expert to assist with a non-profit; Joe Heilmann made a motion to investigate what it takes to become a non-profit, Jack Kloss seconded, all board members approved
- Donations
- Ski Club – they support fun days, recommend to donate
- Joe Heilmann motion to make a $500 donation to the Crandon Water Shows, Jenny Criel second , all but one board members approvedJim Wienser abstained due to his position as Treasurer on the Crandon Water Shows
- Joe Heilmann made a motion to create a committee to see how we can support the community with Jenny Criel being the committee chair, Jim Wienser seconded, all board members approved
- Jim Zach recommended we give a $200 donation to the FLOW committee Mark will send information out to the board and a decision will be made via email
- Bouys
- Confirming the timing of putting them in and taking them out
- Come to Jim Wienser with recommendations on when to put them in and take them out
- Suggestion – put in on Memorial Day
- Looking for suggestion to when they are taken out
- Jim Wienser to write article for the newsletter
- Thank Diane for her service and help!
- Adjournment
LexAnn Hitchcock made a motion, Jack Kloss seconded, all board members approved
Respectively submitted:
Jennifer Criel, Secretary