Results of the 2022 Lake Lucerne Advancement Association Elections

The Board of Directors of the Lake Lucerne Advancement Association wish to share the results of the 2022 board election which was conducted on Saturday, September 3rd, 2022.

The candidates for Vice President (LexAnn Hitchcock) and Treasurer (Sally Hickman) both ran unopposed and have secured those positions. Congratulations to both!

There were 2 board positions available this year and we had 3 candidates: Jack Kloss, Jim Wiesner and Bill Zimpel. After 3 recounts of the ballots, it was determined that Jim Wiesner was re-elected to the board, and there was a tie between Jack Kloss and Bill Zimpel.

On Sunday, September 4th, 2022, Mark Orlovsky LLAA President received an email from Bill Zimpel who graciously conceded the election to Jack Kloss.

Thank you, Bill, for running and we hope that you will run again in the future.

The remaining board position will be filled by Jack Kloss.

Congratulations to Jim and Jack on re-election to the Lake Lucerne Advancement Association Board.

If you have any questions, please reach to Mark Orlovsky or Joe Heilman.