
Membership Committee

The Membership Committee initiates plans for recruiting of new members and retention of members.

Social Committee

Provides refreshments at the Annual Meeting and is responsible for organizing and publicizing other social events to be sponsored by the Association.

Finance Committee

Recommends fund-raising activities to the Board and organizes such activities. The Finance Committee also annually audits the financial records of the Association.

Fishing & Water Quality Committee

Represents the Association at Department of Natural Resources hearings and at local meetings relating to in-lake water quality, fish and wildlife habitat, and water levels. The Committee offers proposals to the Board regarding water quality monitoring and ecological management of the fishery

Aquatic Plant & Algae Control Committee

Represents the Association at Department of Natural Resources hearings and at local meetings relating to the control of nuisance plants and to the protection of desirable vegetation. The Committee offers proposals to the Board for a vegetation management plan and may be delegated responsibility to implement such a plan.

Election Committee

Implements and supervises the procedures for absentee voting and the collection and counting of ballots during elections.

Communication Committee

Provides information to the membership via the Association website and emails of ongoing Association activities.

Buildings and Grounds Committee

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