Approved Minutes October 23th, 2023 Board Meeting

Board Meeting – Lake Lucerne Advancement Association

Meeting Minutes

Saturday October 21, 2023

Present: President: Mark Orlovsky, Vice President: LexAnn Hitchcock, Treasurer: Sally Hickman, Secretary: Jenny Criel, Board members present: Jack Kloss and Jim Zach


5 Lake Lucerne Association Members

Excused Absence: Jim Wienser, Grant Johnson
Next meeting: 9:00 a.m. October 21, 2023– Board Meeting

Town of Lincoln Hall

Call to Order

Mark Orlovsky kicked off the meeting at 10:05 am

Introduction of Board

  • Approval of the minutes from the September 21, 2023, Membership Meeting Minutes
    • LexAnn Hitchcock – motion to approve minutes, with corrections, Jim Zach second, approved
    • All Board members votes

Jenny Criel – Yes
LexAnn Hitchcock – Yes

Jack Kloss – Yes

Jim Wienser – absent

Grant Johnson – absent

Jim Zach – Yes

(for all other items there were approved in these minutes, board approval will assume all voted yes, unless otherwise noted)

  • Officers Report
    • Presidency Report – Mark Orlovsky
      • Floor done
      • Quiet year – less coming to the meetings, less volunteering
      • The LLAA is financially solid
    • Treasurer – Sally Hickman
      • $71k in the bank


  • Committee Reports
  • Membership – Jenny Criel
    • Membership
      • Lifetime Membership Plaque
        • Plaque names have been updated to account for all lifetime members
        • Jenny Criel action item – update plaque
        • Due to the number of lifetime members a new board will need to be created
        • Mark Orlovsky action itemTalk with Bob VanGrunsven to make a second board
      • Social (Fun Days)– LexAnn Hitchcock
        • Planning for 2024 Fun Days
        • Board (squares) items for next year fun days
          • Rake leaves
          • Boat Lift – one pull-out of boat lift at end of season
          • Boat Launch – putting in and taking out of boar for the season
          • Share if there are any other ideas/items
        • Clean Boat Clean Waters –Patty Orlovsky
          • Patty Orlovsky’sTotal hours worked 175 hours in 2023
          • No volunteer hours in 2023 were collected
          • Jim Wienser action item – create a committee plan for the 2024 season to promote volunteerism and tracking of volunteer hours
            • Investigate if FCAL has some good ideas to get volunteers for next year
          • Lake Ecology Committee– Jim Zach
            • Provided Lake Ecology Board Meeting Minutes from last meeting
            • Swamp Creek – continue to monitor and recent pictures show further rocks and debris is starting to impede water flow, monitoring will continue
          • Building and Grounds –Jack Kloss
            • Clean up was lightly attended
            • Discussed ways to manage clean up next year
              • Spread across multiple weekends
              • Review weekends to not conflict
              • Closing the building earlier
            • Winterizing – Bill Perry will be winterizing the building on October 22, 2023
            • Building maintenance –
              • Gutters – Replace gutter guards on the north side of north shelter, and install guards on east side of east shelter, to be addressed in the spring 2024 meeting
              • Mark Orlovsky action item, Lawn mower – needs maintenance including new battery and sharpening of the blades
            • Apparel – LexAnn Hitchcock
              • Special orders
                • All special orders have been delivered except for one
                • Jenny Criel action item – will get the special order to Molly McGuire
              • Timeline for next year apparel orders
                • Barbie suggested ordering in Q1 2024
                • Inventory review is underway
              • Community Support – Jenny Criel
                • Race donation
                  • Donation will be provided during the CoVantage Cares Foundation’s annual giving event; this will result doubling of the final amount to Crandon Rescue
                  • Sally Hickman action item – connect with CoVantage to determine the giving week take advantage of the doubling of the gift
                • Vote for next year’s charity
                  • Sally Hickman – motion to have Crandon Rescue be our 2024 5k-ish charity, LexAnn Hitchcock second, all board members approved
                • Old Business
                  • 501c3 exploration – Mark & Sally
                    • Discussion points
                    • Pros
                      • Must be a 501c3 non-profit to be eligible for a grant from Government, Potawatomi, etc.
                      • This allows donors to claim on their taxes
                      • This opens opportunity for corporate sponsorship for future events – interest was expressed last year for the 5k-ish
                      • As a 501c3 organization the association would not need to pay sales tax
                      • Helps to provider a structured legacy to the LLAA to continue to protect and maintain our lake
                    • Cons
                      • Creates more paperwork
                      • We will likely have a need for an accountant to audit our books annually
                    • We have been offered the legal work associated with setting up the 501c3 pro-bono
                    • Jenny Criel – motion proceed with action steps necessary to becoming a 501c3, Jim Zach second, all board members approved
                  • New Business
                    • Rental
                      • Do we still want to rent it out?
                        • Change rental to only members in good standing –
                          • Per insurance members are covered differently than non-members
                          • Increase the rental from $250 rental to $300, with $150 deposit (this was not passed in a motion, so it will remain $250)
                          • Members – lifetime members $200, with $150 deposit
                        • LexAnn Hitchcock– motion to no longer rent to non-members, Jack Kloss second, all board members approved
                        • Jenny Criel – motion to reduce the rental fee for lifetime members to $150, Jim Zach second, all board members approved
                      • Annual Dues
                        • Discussed annual dues, no increase will be made for 2024
                      • Lake management plan
                        • Purpose to move forward with a lake management plan – 4 reason to move forward with this plan outlined in Jim Zach’s write up
                        • The 2024 budget already approves $5,000
                        • The Mole Lake community $5,000 grant could be used to fund
                        • Last management plan completed in 2005
                        • Once complete, this will help create recommendations to maintain the health of Lake Lucerne
                          • Participation in DNR sponsored programs
                          • Education for property owners
                        • Scott Van Egeren indicated our cost share portion can also include the value of in-kind hours or materials provided by LLAA and members
                        • Jim Zach motion to proceed with the Lake Management Plan, including:
                          • That LLAA proceed with submitting a final WDNR Surface Water Grant application for 2/3’s funding of a focused lake management plan.
                          • That the grant be submitted by Nov 15 with financial information added based upon proposals submitted by LMP environmental consulting firms.
                          • That the proposal which best meets criteria be included in the application as determined by President Mark Orlovsky and James Zach.
                          • The LLAA will use a portion of the Sokaogon Tribal Grant that LLAA has received for funding our cost share of the grant

LexAnn Hitchcock second, all board members approved

  • Use of Mailchimp for future newsletter/communication
    • Purpose; to allow a means to provide a quick blast of information to members
    • Self-service sign-up
    • Will be sent up to only to go members in good standing
    • Mark Orlovsky action item – will work on creating a template to be used
  • Newsletter
    • Target timing for Newsletter will be November 2024
    • Jenny Criel action item – will collect all articles from board members
    • Jenny Criel action item – follow up with Jodie Landgraf on interest in help to coordinate social activity to include in the newsletter (spring social food/wine gathering similar to the 2020 planned event)
  • Microwave/Oven replacement
    • LexAnn Hitchcock – motion get approve $1,200 budget to purchase new Microwave/Oven, Jack Kloss second, approved
  • Donated Cooler
    • Too big for the space
    • Will look to sell it
  • Waterless boat cleaning system
    • Good way to offer a way for boaters to clean trailers prior and post launch
    • If this was an item the LLAA purchases it will need someone to manage it and/or clean it
    • Tabled further discussion/decision at this point
  • Golf Outing
    • Revisit timing – current timing makes it difficult to attend for those members that work full-time
    • Discussion determined outing will not be moved for 2024 event
  • FCAL 2024 Fall Forum
    • Donate use of the building for the Fall Forum, Friday August 16th2024 from 9:00 -12:00
    • Jim Zach – motion to donate the use of the LLAA building for this meeting, Sally Hickman second, approved
  • Geese
    • Geese population is increasing on the lake
    • Monitoring of this increase will continue


LexAnn Hitchcock – motion to adjourn, Jim Zach seconded, all board members approved

Meeting adjourned 11:30


Respectively submitted:

Jennifer Criel, Secretary