Minutes – May 21st, 2022 Board Meeting

Board Meeting of the Lake Lucerne Advancement Association
Saturday, May 21, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by President Mark Orlovsky. Board members present : LexAnn Hitchcock, Jack Kloss, Sally Hickman, Diane Braunreiter, Jim Wienser, and Joe Heilmann. Absent was Jennifer Criel. There were 3 guests.

  1. FINANCIAL REPORT. Sally gave everyone a copy of the financial report and asked if there were any questions.
  2. MARCH 2022 MINUTES. LexAnn moved to accept the minutes. Jack seconded the motion. All said “aye”.
  3. CLEAN BOATS CLEAN WATER. Jim Wienser reported that 3 people applied for the position of CBCW attendant. Two were too young. The third person was Patty Orlovsky, and Jim gave her a contract to sign. The wage is $14.00 per hour. There were a few minor changes in the contract – mainly wording. We need one more person as back-up. LexAnn will be in charge of position (hiring/firing, etc.) Sally told Patty about SWIMS – the site for reporting hours. Sally suggested having a training session at the clubhouse for any workers and volunteers. She also suggested that we use volunteers instead of a second paid person. Mark said the data base for volunteering is almost ready to use, and that would be a good way to recruit people. We will ask for volunteers at the June meeting. Mark thought we could have some kind of a “thank you” dinner or event at the end of the season for all volunteers.
  4. The buoys are not in yet because Jim W.’s boat is not in the water yet. Mark said he would put them in next weekend (Memorial Day weekend). We talked about Dan Packard doing this job for us. Apparently, he has raised his rates this year. Mark said he would talk to Dan about him about giving us a break in price. We might have Dan take the buoys out in the Fall.
  5. SOCIAL COMMITTEE. LexAnn reported that the June 18th meeting is at 10:00 a.m., speaker is at 11:00 a.m., and chicken lunch after that. Jim Wienser will possibly be the speaker to talk about the EMT’s. Everyone should bring a dish to pass. LexAnn will put this information on Facebook and our marquee. Jack wanted to know about how many people we thought would attend the lunch. The consensus was about 50 people. Jack will get the chicken at Schaefer’s. This meeting will also include nominations for our Fall election. LexAnn said she and Jack worked on compiling all the responsibilities for Fun Day and who is doing what. She printed this out and gave everyone a copy. At the June 18th meeting, there will be a sign-up for Fun Day volunteers.
  6. Joe is making a change for the “members at large” way of voting. The 2 people with the most votes will get the 2 open positions. The board agreed to this change. He will communicate that at the June meeting.
  7. BUILDING & GROUNDS. Jack said there is a company in Minocqua who will sand and repaint the floors. They will give Jack a bid for the work. There was a discussion about the locks, but there will be no changes at this time.
  8. The next newsletter will go out after the June 18th meeting. Articles should be submitted before the meeting, with only the nomination information to be added after the meeting. It should be complete by the 20th and mailed by the 24th. Diane suggested dividing the secretary job into positions (like the LMT does). It’s a big job and would be easier to fill if it wasn’t so much work. Jim is going to ask Patty how much time she put into the job. It would require a change in the bylaws. It was discussed and will be considered in the future. Mark said that Jim Z has an article for the newsletter. Sally has some ideas for articles. Other ideas suggested were something on fire burning permits, lakeshore planting (Diane will do), and light pollution.
  9. POSSIBLE SPEAKER. Mark said his daughter would be willing to do a presentation about bats and have a project of making bat houses. This could take place around the 4th of July. Mark said we could have something for adults and call it “Bats and Beer”, which would be riding in boats at night looking for bats.
  10. Everyone agrees that the new website looks good. In addition to Brandon, Mark and Diane will be able to make changes.
  11. FCAL PRESENTATION. A check was presented to Mike Preul at the meeting on Friday, May 20th. There will be a write-up and pictures in the Pioneer Express.
  12. NAME CHANGE. Jim Z asked to change his committee to the “Lake Ecology Committee”. It was discussed and vetoed. It will stay “Fish and Water Quality” committee. Joe H. moved to add Neil Klemme to that committee. LexAnn seconded the motion. All said “aye”.
  13. FISH STICK PROGRAM. There was one fish stick put in this winter. It was about an 8-hour process. Jim will ask at the June meeting if anyone on the lake is interested in a fish stick in front of their property.
  14. BOAT PARADE is July 3rd. It starts at Water’s Edge at 9:00 a.m. There will be 3 prizes.
  15. RAFFLE TICKETS are ready to take.
  16. NEW BUSINESS. The Ski Club is looking for gas sponsors. Jim W. will find out how much gas it costs for 1 show, and we will decide on how much to give.
  • Mark had an idea for a popsicle party, where a pontoon would ride around the lake playing music and giving out popsicles to people on their docks. He will check out the cost and when to do it.
  • Mike Preul will be putting some nets out this summer to count the white fish and siscos.
  • There was a discussion about a new sign in the building. Diane will check on a price for 2 (one inside and one outside by the road, which would be 2-sided).

LexAnn moved to adjourn. Joe seconded the motion. All said “aye”. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Braunreiter

LLAA – Minutes for 5-21-22